Hi –
55 minutes left of my birthday. The first, ‘day of my birth’ that you missed. To be followed by many more.
I woke up thinking I would like nothing more than to roll over and go back to sleep, not getting out of bed all day. However, the DMV called my name. After that slightly painful experience where I signed up to be an Organ Donor, the rest of the day was pretty good. People at work made a big to-do, which was really nice and totally unexpected. I really like working there; it really is a little family going on. Kahni made a delicious dinner. Then Carly, Meridith, and I watched a few more US of Tara episodes. All in all a pretty ok day. Minus that whole you not being around to celebrate it thing. Minor detail though.
It was still weird. Dad was here so that was nice, but the day did feel a bit more empty than other days. I guess that could be because the whole you actually gave me life, and not being here to share that gift is stupid thing, but that could also just be me hypothesizing. Who knows.
In related birthday news Khloe Kardashian, the youngest of the sisters, shares my same birthday and also turned 27 today. I find that fact to be incredibly weird. She looks like she could be 35 and I look closer to 21 than I do 27. I also don’t have a reality TV show, much to my disappointment, nor do I tan every day, or have a black basketball player husband. All of which I’m sure make her look older. Just another one of my awesomely random facts.
Another thing I learned today – Dolphins sleep with one eye open. Who knew!!
I’m going to go to sleep now. It’s been a really long weekend, followed by a fairly long Monday.
Love you forever, Miss you always.