Sunday, November 20, 2011

Constants are just that, constant. unyielding. meant to be repeated forever

Hi –

Nothing new to report around here. The Hanamus tree is up and it looks pretty damn good if I do say so myself.  I’m heading to Rab’s on Wednesday for Thanksgiving. I’m really looking forward to it. It’s been a pretty big constant in my life for the last 5 or so years. It will be nice to do it again. Plus I could really use some Rab love, especially a hug.

Since I have nothing really new and overly interesting to say these days, I figured I would let someone else do it. Carly gave me this quote a while ago and I had tucked it away for safe keeping, and I stumbled upon it today.

"Grief, as I read somewhere once, is a lazy Susan. One day it is heavy and underwater, and the next day it spins and stops at loud and rageful, and the next day at wounded keening, and the next day numbness, silence...The more often I cried in my room...and felt just generally wretched, the more often I started to have occasional moments of utter joy, of feeling aware of each moment shining for its own momentous sake. I am no longer convinced that you're supposed to get over the death of certain people, but little by little, pale and swollen around the eyes I began to feel a sense of reception, that I was beginning to receive the fact of [the death,] the finality. I let it enter me.

I was terribly erratic: feeling so holy and serene some moments that I was sure I was going to end up dating the Dalai Lama. Then the grief and craziness would hit again, and I would be in Broken Mind, back in the howl.

The depth of the feeling continued to surprise and threaten me, but each time it hit again and I bore it, like a nicotine craving, I would discover that it hadn't washed me away. After a while it was like an inside shower, washing off some of the rust and calcification in my pipes. It was like giving a dry garden a good watering. Don't get me wrong: grief sucks; it really does.

Unfortunately, though, avoiding it robs us of life, of the now, of a sense of living spirit. Mostly I have tried to avoid it by staying very busy, working too hard, trying to achieve as much as possible. You can often avoid the pain by trying to fix other people; shopping helps in a pinch, as does romantic obsession. Martyrdom can't be beat... I've found that a stack of magazines can be numbing and even mood altering. But the bad news is that whatever you use to keep the pain at bay robs you of the flecks and nuggets of gold that feeling grief will give you.. A fixation can keep you nicely defined and give you the illusion that your life has not fallen apart. But since your life may indeed have fallen apart, the illusion won't hold up forever, and if you are lucky and brave, you will be willing to bear disillusion. You begin to cry and writhe and yell and then to keep on crying; and then, finally, grief ends up giving you the two best things: softness and illumination...'There are cracks, cracks, in everything, that's how the light gets in.' "

Love you forever, miss you always.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Another day, another dollar.....same stuff, different day

Hi –

I know it’s been a while.  It’s been the longest stretch of time that I haven’t written yet.

I was half doing an experiment on myself, and half trying to not write until I had something else to say besides how much I miss you.

The experiment part was to see if not writing would make me think about you any less, or process better. Neither happened.

And I never really found anything else to say.

I can tell you the things I learned from my weekend in NYC:
1. Blizzards can happen in October
2. New Yorkers make it difficult to get to New Jersey on purpose
3. You should be weary of little green pills

That last one was a lesson that came hard and fast. Basically even though I have been partaking in herbs for years and would not by any stretch consider myself a novice, bad trips can happen to anyone at any time. And man did it ever.

In between crying, shaking, and being a blubbering mess I did manage to have some crazy realizations. There was a 5-minute span between 6 and 7 when I realized you were gone. That was something for sure. The entire time I was having this moment all I could think was this was not the time or place to be having it. But alas there I was, on Nicks couch a complete mess. He was awesome about it though, so that’s something.

Also, the only other thing I could think about was how my car was parked at a satellite parking lot at the Orlando airport, and I just wanted to get back to it.  For some reason my thought process was that if I could get to the car everything would be ok.

How’s that for stable, well adjusted, and dealing?

So yeah – unfortunately nothing new to report from this front.

Love you forever, Miss you always.

“…You say it's easier
Alone and undisturbed
You said yes and danced before
And got your feelings hurt
You say most days your good
It's not so bad this room
Watching the rain today
Even though it's clear and sunny
And you fight it so hard
How to tell if it's real or not…”