Tuesday, May 24, 2011

You get a tree, you get a tree, you get a tree, everyone gets a tree....

Hi –

So I’m finally home at a decent time and not completely exhausted and yawning every five minutes – go me. And I’ve been thinking of things all day to tell you, and now that I’m here I’ve got nothing.

I could tell you supremely boring things like my room is nowhere near where I want it to be. Pretty much everything I own is still in the box or suitcase it was shipped here in. And I’ve been wearing and washing the same 5 American Eagle shirts since I got here on May 5th. But somehow that doesn’t seem really all that interesting.

Today was/is Carly’s birthday, as well as Pipers. As well as also being the 14th anniversary of my bat-mitzvah. So many things, oh my. I participated in the Miller family tradition of happy birthday singing and cake eating at the ass crack of dawn, and then proceeded to ride the sugar high until about 10:30. Then pumped myself full of Starbucks to make it through the rest of the day.

My weekend plans consist of possibly going to Savannah with Meridith and Tory to see George and Pipers new house, and hang out. I’m on the fence though. It was the last place I saw you, so I’m not sure I’m ready for that whole can of worms yet. Perhaps forcing myself is the way to go, or taking the bird route and sticking my head in the ground and completely writing Savannah off the map. At the moment I’m leaning towards the latter, however it seems like a short-lived solution if you ask me. I suppose a conversation with Meridith is in order, where we can openly and honestly discuss our feelings and what we want out of this weekend. Then we can hold hands and skip through our apartment. It will be awesome.

Perhaps I’m more tired than I had thought, judging by my awesomely sarcastic tone at the moment. I guess I’ll head to bed, where I will dream of a world where you are still alive and tomorrow is not Oprah’s final show.

Love you forever, Miss you always.

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