Hi –
I’m on what is going to be the first of many plane rides this week. I’m on my way to Fort Lauderdale right now. Then on Thursday I'm going to fly to LA for Hanon’s wedding. My final flight on this trip is back to NYC on Monday where I will finish out my two weeks in the city before moving to Orlando. Yikes – it’s coming up fast.
I always write on planes. There’s something about being on a plane, its like having found time. You can’t really be doing anything else except hanging out with yourself. You either listen to music, (which I'm currently doing – thank you iTunes and the new Adele CD) read, sleep, or basically any quiet relaxing one-person activity. It’s nice though. There’s also this false sense of being alone. It’s like your seat is your own little world. And even though other people can see what your doing, you think they can’t and that your invisible. It’s a bit of the same feeling as being at the movies. You know you are watching with other people, but its dark and you think they can’t see or hear you. That’s why its one of the only places a lot of people cry. There’s a safety there. You are having this shared experience with the other people in the theater. For that moment in time you are all watching the same thing, doing the same thing, sharing this moment. I love going to the movies. I’m rambling sorry.
Dad’s picking me up at the airport and then we have to go to Crickets because my car is there. I’m excited because I want to see it, but shhh don’t tell him I had a sandwich at the airport. Although he reads this so he will know, but lets pretend. I’ll have more chances to eat there so I’m not worried about it. Maybe ill eat one of his garlic pickles though, or taste the potato salad. Oh man, or have a fountain soda! We shall see. The world is my oyster, I can eat whatever I want.
This is true though, the world is my oyster. I have a ton of plans for the 5 seconds I’m at home, and I’m looking forward to all of them. Lets hope I stay that way though. The last time I had plans I was looking forward too I had a complete melt down. Wish me luck that doesn’t happen this time, because that would suck. Seeing as how one plan is a job interview, and another is a dinner I’ve been looking forward too.
I’m going to go curl up into a ball in my seat and finish listening to the Adele CD, which so far is pretty amazing, and play some Sudoku.
Love you forever, Miss you always.
PS – in an interesting and telling turn of events I was cleaning up the desktop of my computer and I have a picture of you sleeping on the couch and Jake laying next to you that I stole off Dad’s phone. I moved it to my pictures folder, and then tried to delete the one from my desktop in an attempt to not have any icons on there, and I can’t. It keeps telling me it’s locked.
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