Hi –
The last few days and weeks have been quite interesting and eye opening. A few weeks back I decided that I wanted to get off lexapro. It’s been over 6 years since I first went on it and my life is in a completely differently place – maybe my coping mechanisms have improved. Well, definitely not. So while I’ve made it through the withdrawal symptoms finally, its blaringly obvious there was a reason I went on the meds to begin with, and the reasons, while they might be different now, are still reasons nonetheless. So back on it I go. Yippee! Once again as Meridith has pointed out, there is nothing about any of this that says I shouldn’t be in therapy.
So while I’ve accepted that I probably have to be on this stuff for quite some time, I’m not exactly thrilled about it. But as I promised myself in college, I never want to feel this way again. But here I am, completely out of control of every emotion I have, but with the awareness to know my reactions and emotions are out of place, but not able to stop them. It’s awful. Definitely don’t recommend it. Combine the crying and I’m a complete mess. It’s been awesome.
In the middle of all of this was the Hanukkah party. Some might say it was a success, and that they had a great time. I would beg to differ. Maybe last year I was in too much of a haze of some sort to really pay attention, but this year I felt like every time someone looked at me they saw you. Which granted is not a bad thing, but for some reason in this instance it really got to me - I was in your house, in your kitchen, throwing your party – I was you.
There I was in the middle of it all feeling completely alone and isolated. It was not fun. I have to think that you must have felt that way during the parties at least once. There you are in the kitchen washing the 17th dish of the night alone, while everyone else is drinking and laughing and eating. At one point I looked around and was so angry, and swore I wasn’t going to do it again next year. I’m sure we will though. I’m sure that’s how it always went. At the end when you looked around the mess of a house and knew you had to clean it yourself you swore not again. Then September comes along and you don’t remember any of it, and you pick the date for the next party. I’m tried just thinking about it. What can you do though, certainly not be the one to break the tradition.
I just keep thinking about the massage I’m going to get while on the cruise. It’s getting me through. It’s really the little things.
Miss you forever, Love you always.
“…And here she is again on the phone
Just like me hates to be alone
We just like to sit at home
And rip on the president
Meet Virginia, mmmm…
Well she wants to live her life
Then she thinks about her life
Pulls her hair back, as she screams
"I don't really wanna live this life"
She only drinks coffee at midnight
But the moment is not right
And the time is quite, unusual
You see her confidence is tragic
But her intuition magic
And the shape of her body, unusual
Meet Virginia, I can't wait to
Meet Virginia, yeah, yeah, hey, hey
Well, she wants to be the queen
Then she thinks about her scene
Well, she wants to live her life
Then she thinks about her life
Pulls her hair back as she screams
I don't really wanna be the queen, ah, ah
I don't really wanna live here…”