Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just a normal NYC weekend

Hi –

Did you know that I have quite a lot in common with Simba from The Lion King. Once you get past the whole rightful air to the Pride Land, and King of the Jungle thing he’s really just a normal Lion. Dealing with the all too sudden and far to soon death of his father.

There was this super cheesy moment during the show when Simba is looking up into the sky’s, trying to see his dad in the stars, and he sings the following…

There's no mountain too great
Hear these words and have faith
Have faith
They live in you
They live in me
They're watching over
Everything we see
In every creature
In every star
In your reflection
They live in you”

I was moved.

Lion King really is amazing though. I’ve wanted to see it since I moved here, and it definitely lived up to the hype. Watching all the people maneuver the puppets was amazing. They had this huge elephant that walked down the aisle. I think it took 4 people to make it happen, it was awesome. It’s also the first show I’ve seen that was meant for Kids, and to see their faces light up was very exciting.

I had a really good time with Dad this weekend. I think we are finally getting back to our rhyme. I think we would both admit that it has been a bit off since everything. It’s nice to have it back.

We went out to Rabs on Saturday night. Like always I hung out at Lulu’s with Lizzie for  a while. I really do love it there. It’s very warm and inviting. Plus there’s something to be said for being surrounded by nice clothes all the time. Boosts a person’s self-esteem.

I went out with Lizzie and while we were hanging out with her friends she whips out the ‘Proust Questionnaire’ that they have all filled out 5 years earlier. They were all cracking up reading their answers. Lizzie had written down that one of her favorite names was Stella. Pretty cool if you ask me.  After a couple drinks I filled it out myself. Of course that one is in Lizzies book. I googled the questionnaire and here you go…

- Your favorite virtue - humility
- Your favorite qualities in a man – sense of humor, intelligence, great back
- Your favorite qualities in a woman. – sense of humor, intelligence
- Your chief characteristic - considerate
- Your favorite occupation - Singer
- Your idea of happiness – being surrounded by friends and family always laughing
- Your idea of misery – Never finding love
- If not yourself, who would you be – someone doing something extraordinary
- Where would you like to live - in a giant house with a big yard for my kids and dogs to play in
- Your favorite color and flower – color of red wine, Lilies
- Your favorite prose authors. – Shel Silverstein
- Your favorite poets – Shel Silverstein
- Your favorite heroes in fiction – the Tree from The Giving Tree
- Your favorite heroines in fiction – The nanny from Adventures of Babar
- Your favorite painters and composers – Billy Joel
- Your favorite heroes in real life – my dad
- Your favorite heroines in real life  - my mom
- What characters in history do you most dislike – those who persecuted others for being different
- What is your present state of mind - sadness
- Your favorite food and drink – anything-involving cheese and alcohol
- Your favorite names – Ryan for a girl, Hannah, Jacob
- What I hate the most – being inconsiderate
- Your favorite motto – Don’t sweat the small things

We also played this other ‘intellectual’ drinking game called ‘The Cube.’ Where you are told to close your eyes, and then are asked questions and you are building a picture in your mind. What you build says something about you. What I saw was – a clear cube that is on the desert ground, there is a ladder laying next to it on the ground made out of wood. A white normal sized horse is peacefully walking across my picture in the middle ground, not hitting the box. Far away you can see a rainstorm brewing.

I have no idea what it says to me. I never got to hear my ‘fortune’. I’ll have to Google it at some point.

I’m going to crawl into bed now though, and watch the special post Superbowl episode of Glee.

Love you forever, Miss you always

“Where has the starlight gone?
Dark is the day
How can I find my way home?

Home is an empty dream
Lost to the night
Father, I feel so alone

You promised you'd be there
Whenever I needed you
Whenever I call your name
You're not anywhere

I'm trying to hold on
Just waiting to hear your voice
One word, just a word will do
To end this nightmare

When will the dawning break
Oh endless night
Sleepless I dream of the day

When you were by my side
Guiding my path
Father, I can't find the way”

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