Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thoughts from a castle on a cloud

Hi –

There is something about flying. Something about those hours spent on a plane where you are completely cut off from all forms of communication. I love it. Hours to yourself where you can do nothing but be with yourself. Sure you can watch TV or movies. Talk to people next to you. Sleep. Work. Etc. Whatever you want to do its up to you. It’s your own time. You’re in some sort of bubble all your own.  You are able to let your mind just wander.

Not to mention the fact that you are traveling thousands of miles in a matter of hours. It’s pretty cool.

So I’m on this plane, headed to Boston to spend 3 days with Sara. I’m super excited about it, especially since I haven’t seen her since august. She’s managed to buy a house, get a dog, a new car, and become pregnant. She’s been super duper busy.  Baby Rosenthal will be here in early august and I can’t wait.

In other news I’ve been making plans and wrapping my head around some pretty big ideas. Working on my threshold moment so to speak. It’s weird though, I’ve made these plans and these decisions but they don’t take effect for at least a month now so I’m in this weird holding spot. Living the day to day, but not “living” it.  Not sure if that makes sense.

I’m terrified of my big plans though. On one hand that’s good. Being scared is good. It means a) I’m not a cold hearted person who can’t feel (not that I really ever believed that entirely) and b) that I’m 75% sure I’m making the right decisions and plans. If you only ever went through life doing things that didn’t make you scared I would imagine no one would ever do anything.

The 25% of me that’s not sure is just that – not sure. Some days I’ll be sitting in meetings talking about merchandise and art and product development and it clicks. I get it. It makes sense. I feel like a valued member of a team, and I want to keep doing it. I want to finish out what I'm working on, see it come to fruition, and work on the next thing. Then there are the other days where I'm frustrated and annoyed and doing things I don’t want to be doing. Working on things I don’t want to work on. There are days where all I want to do is flip a table and call it quits.

Terrified and torn.

Good news is though the 75% of me that is sure is winning. Plans have been made. Seeds planted. Wheels in motion. (insert more cliche statements here) All that’s left is to actually jump. I would say wish me luck but I'm not sure luck is what I want. What I want is peace, healing, inspiration, desire, clarity, love, stimulation, gratitude, emotion. The things I’ve had fleeting glimpses of in my life, but never for longer then minutes at a time.

I want a full life.

Love you forever. Miss you always.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and miss you shall have all those things you want
    Says the Amazing Kreskin and me!
