Hi –
I have this perfect memory of being on vacation and staying at an Embassy Suites with you, dad, and Sarah Hooker. It was one of those vacations where Matt didn’t come, so I got to take a friend instead. I’m not 100% sure where we were but I want to say it was when we did Sea World and Busch Gardens and ‘Baby shark, shark, shark’ came to be. Anyway, so I have this memory of all of us piled into the living room where we were staying in aka where Sarah and I were sleeping on a pull out couch, and you made us watch the remake of ‘Sabrina.’
I remember at the time being thoroughly confused why you were so pumped about the movie, and today I learned why. While the movie we watched was enjoyable enough, tonight I went and saw the original ‘Sabrina’ on the big screen, which was great. Side note, I love when people say “on the big screen”. Mainly because it’s only when referring to seeing old movies, because why would someone say I went and saw ‘Cowboys and Aliens’ on the big screen. Of course you did silly, how else would you have seen this brand new movie only out for a week. Perhaps I will start saying it to see people’s reactions. Anyway, back to the original story. After work I picked Carly up and we met up with Meridith in Winter Gardens, which is this cute little cobblestone street 2-block downtown area that has a really old theater that plays really old movies, hence the ‘Sabrina’ watching.
It was a lot of fun and I’m glad I went. It was this cute little old theater that has original movie theater seats that at first seem comfortable, but 20 minutes into it you realize it was all a lie and your butt is now numb. Where also the idea of - if you slope the floor people will be able to see from all seats still existed, and where I still can’t see if someone is in front of me. The theater didn’t get all the way pitch black, and there were little lights all over the ceiling that never went out. It was pretty magical if I do say so myself. Reminded me of the movie theater in NYC that Seema and I frequented.
The movie was pretty great though. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially when a thunderstorm started and the building was struck by lightening and the power went out. That was super awesome.
The other highlight of the evening came in the form of me making sure that Meridith drove Carly home so that I could spend the 30 minute drive listening to my book on tape. Yep you read that right. I made Meridith drive Carly home so that I could listen to ‘The Help’. I am in fact your daughter. I have not gotten to the point yet where I’m parked outside the house and listening. I’ll let you know when I get there. I’m sure it will be fairly soon. This is a pretty great book to date, and the readers are really good. On the other hand David Sedaris, not a good reader. I was previously listening to ‘Me Talk Pretty One Day’ and I had to stop. He is so monotone when he reads he was making me sleepy.
Speaking of being sleepy, I am. Off to bed I go now.
7 days till the year. That’s something I suppose.
Love you forever, Miss you always.
"...So I drive
And I think about my life
And wonder why that I slowly die inside..."
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