Monday, August 1, 2011

Post mortem anyone? – Part 1

Hi –

I survived the weekend with flying colors if I do say so myself, and I do. So go me.

Rehearsal was on Friday and while the drive was long, the place they chose really was beautiful and I can see why they were so set on it. I would have stayed up there all weekend, and done all the festivities in Napa. But as was my manta for the weekend, not my wedding.

Matt and Lauren did the Ketubah signing during the rehearsal so that was nice to witness. Judaism at work and all. I learned though that it’s the mother of the bride’s duty to be the keeper of the signed Ketubah. I can just add it to my ongoing list of things that won’t happen.

The rehearsal dinner was back at their house where they only have 1 bathroom and were expecting close to 70 people. The only logical conclusion was a bright blue porta potty front and center in front of the house. I think it really added something to the party personally. The party was fun though. Hung out mostly with Jodie and Jamie who were really my buddies all weekend. It was really nice. I’m so glad they were there. I was pretty stoned for the majority of the evening, which led to my explaining to Jamie how I didn’t ‘get’ jetlag. It was pretty awesome.

The highlight of the evening goes to Michael. Jamie, Jodie, and I were sitting in the kitchen, and Jamie had been filling up her Martini glass with beer from my glass that I was just sipping from for most of the night. The bar was outside in the back down some stairs where it was also freezing. Michael comes into the kitchen looking for a glass of regular Coke. He rummaged around the kitchen and found Diet Coke in the fridge, which would do he said. He pulled a glass down from the cabinet, and I gave him a funny look about it. He muttered to me while pointing at Jamie, “if she can drink beer out of a martini glass I can certainly drink diet coke out of a brandy snifter.” He then poured his diet coke and walked away. After he was gone Jodie turned to us and says, “you know what’s funny about this whole thing, that was a red wine glass.”

Next up was the Wedding Day - YAY! I woke up at 7:30 and hit the ground running. I managed to catch a small nap on the bus up to Napa. Well as much of a nap as one can get while sitting straight and not letting their head roll to either side. I had just had my hair did. I couldn’t ruin it.

The ceremony was perfect. I walked Kalel down the aisle and held him for .2 seconds before he started to fuss and then seamlessly passed him to the nanny’s in the front row. Then took him back .2 seconds before Matt and Lauren were announced husband and wife to walk him back up the aisle. Just the way I figured it would end up going.

My shoes lasted about 5 minutes into the cocktail party. That may or may not be a record.  Pretty sure all the bridesmaids had their shoes off or changed by the time the reception started.

There was a moment when the ceremony was over, cocktail party was through, and the reception was at a lull that I first got sad for the day. I figured it was going to come at some point but I was surprised how long it took. I figured it would be while watching Lauren take her family photo’s but I think because I was still worried about the ceremony it didn’t affect me at that moment. I’m sure when I look back through everything and see your missing mug I’ll get sad then too.

Luckily though I had built up a small stockpile of Valium so half a pill later I was in a much better mood and ready to party. And party I did.

I danced, I laughed, I danced again, I led the Hoorah, I wore a glow stick bracelet, and I danced some more. I have 2 signature moves and I strutted them all over the dance floor and back again. It was pretty awesome. I’d be curious to take a poll around the dance floor to see who thought I was serious about my moves, and who realized I was just being awesome. A personal favorite moment was when Diane led the entire dance floor in the electric slide, and it was not to the electric slide song.  It was awesome.

It was a great night and a great party. One you would have been very proud of. I don’t think there was a person there who had a bad time. The end of the evening was only made that much better by watching Matt spiral down into full on drunkenness. If you ask him none of this happened, but if you ask Randi, Rab, Jamie, Dad, or Me it 100% definitely happened. Matt was wandering the grounds with his tux shirt un-tucked, jacket tie and vest off, sleeves unbuttoned, and no shoes but socks on and in what can only be described as bellowing calling for Lauren. It was awesome. Him and I even managed to fit in a game of Egyptian Rat Screw when he was not wandering around. I won, he lost, and he then proceeded to be a very sore loser and storm off.  I thought it was the perfect way to end the evening personally.

Rest of the post mortem to come later.  I’m currently flying back to Orlando and I’m going to try to sleep a bit.

Love you forever, miss you always.

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